A new shipment of fresh Mother's Garden olive oil will leave next week for deliveries in early February so if you would like some please get in touch as soon as you can.
Do winter and the best olive oil go together? Oh YES.
And if you need some tips CLICK HERE to read cook Stuart Buck's latest blog all about our olive oil.
"When you get oil as fresh as a daisy it has a spicy, grassy taste that's really pleasing in winter cooking."
We advise everyone to follow this foodie blog, particularly if you are in Norfolk where Stuart is based.
Meanwhile let us know what you would like to order from the shipment. There will be the usual selection of 500ml bottles (in cases of 6), 2 litre containers, 5 litre containers and 20 litre bag in boxes (as some food cooperative groups, ie our hubs, are now appreciating).
New labels are being printed but we will not use these until all the current ones have gone - why create waste?.
So we have also decided to delay the 2013 price rise for now too.
All olive oil now being offered is at 2012 prices - £39 for 6x500ml bottles, £17 for 2 litres, £35 for 5 litres and £140 for 20 litre bag in box.
SO HURRY WHILE LABELS LAST!! Click here to order or contact your hub if you are part of one.